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My uncle and his family had come over to visit a few weeks ago, and in the middle of some idle chit-chat, Dad asked us a question.
My uncle and his family had come over to visit a few weeks ago, and in the middle of some idle chit-chat, Dad asked us a question.
"What gives you happiness?"
After a few moments, and a few awkward looks around the room,
everyone simultaneously blurted out their response.
"Success," said my uncle.
"My children," said Mum.
"Gaming," began my brother, "And pizza."
Typical Nirav.
Dad looked at me expectantly. He'd already asked me this a
few weeks ago, and I knew why he was asking it now. One of my family members,
let's call him Steve, had just been diagnosed with depression - and Dad thought
my answer may just help.
"So, what's your answer, Nikhil? What gives you
"I do," I responded.
Everyone was taken aback.
After a few years of bad news, pain and struggle, my
perspective on all this was a little different. I'd realised that you always
had a choice on how you viewed your life.
"I mean, it's your brain. You control how you respond
to things. And me - I choose to not let things affect me negatively, I
guess." I continued, glancing at Steve as I said this.
Dad was looking that way too. I guess both he and I expected
a sudden flash of realisation to pass through Steve's eyes. But it didn't. He just
sat there, looking utterly bored by the conversation, the same expression he
had the whole visit really.
What I said made sense to me and to the rest of the family
sitting around in the room.
But when you've been wired, emotionally and physically, not to feel anything over weeks,
months or even years, it's not like you can change straight away.
That's what clinical depression does.
And after talking to Steve, and a few other friends of mine
who are going through it at the moment, it's made me really rethink a few of
the misconceptions and attitudes out there about depression...
Here are a few of them.
1) Why can't they Just
"snap out of it" and "be happy"?
That's something people going through depression hear a lot.
But think about it this way - don't you think they've tried this
When you're
depressed, you get a physiological change that accompanies psychological change
in your brain, meaning that the chemicals that are usually released in your
brain to make you feel happy aren't performing that function anymore. So a lot
of the things that used to give you happiness don't anymore. And because of that, you find yourself just not
caring about things.
The spiral downwards can make patients more likely to go through anxiety at the same time as depression. And when you're worrying about things, yet at the same time can't find the energy or motivation or care to deal with them, it can all build up like a snowball.
So telling someone going through depression to snap out of
it is like me telling you to throw a 10 kilo shotput 20 metres. You know that it is
physically possible. Hell, in your youth or at your peak, you may have been able to do it at some point in your
life. But if you were to try it now, you'd probably fail.
Now imagine if everyone close to you and wider society told you to keep trying, no matter how unfit or how physically
impossible it is. Imagine if they sat by, jeering, booing, even screaming at you, as you tried, over and over again to do the impossible.
That is what someone going through depression feels like when you tell them to be "just be happy". Hopefully, by understanding that, you won't inadvertently kick someone when they're down next time...
That is what someone going through depression feels like when you tell them to be "just be happy". Hopefully, by understanding that, you won't inadvertently kick someone when they're down next time...
2) So, it happens to those
going through some form of loss or through some recent dramas right?
Depression can affect anyone, at anytime and there are many
things that can cause depression.
Often, it's long term
things like unemployment, isolation or loneliness, low self esteem or prolonged
exposure to stress at work that can cause it. Recent events such as the loss of
a job or poor exam results or a breakup can trigger it, but often there is that
underlying cause behind it.
There are a lot of other things that can cause it too.
Things like alcohol or drug abuse, medical illness, a family history of it and
your personality (being a sensitive person, or a perfectionist for example) can
predispose you to higher chances of getting depression.
And in a lot of cases, people just don't know why it's
happening. They've been conditioned to feel pity for themselves, to not feel; too used to failing when they try to get better that they don't wanna try anymore. And that can be frustrating as hell.
3) But they seemed
happy when I talked to them... I mean... they didn't seem depressed.
A lot of people going through depression go through phases. They will often go weeks
or months feeling and functioning normally until they suddenly get into a rut
for a few weeks, where they start to feel less connection to things around them
and less enjoyment from things they used to like.
As you know now, when they get into that rut, it's not like
they can just climb out straight away. And if you don't know or can't explain
why it's happening, if you can't see what's going on, that hill you're trying to climb becomes the sheer wall of a mountain.
Often people will put on a mask in the form of a second
personality to the outside world during this time out of fear of what others
think of them.
In a fair amount of cases, they may even have bipolar
disorder, or a milder form of it (cyclothymic disorder) - making them more
likely to have more severe shifts in their mood.
They may even deny it. Because it's not the "manly" thing to do.
In truth though, coming out and admitting you may need help takes more courage than hiding behind a wall. Great organisations like Soften the F*ck Up wanna make that clear. if you're feeling that way... why not check them out?
They may even deny it. Because it's not the "manly" thing to do.
In truth though, coming out and admitting you may need help takes more courage than hiding behind a wall. Great organisations like Soften the F*ck Up wanna make that clear. if you're feeling that way... why not check them out?
4) It's only a sign
that they're weak in the mind. I've been through things 10x worse and look at
me - I'm fine.
No, but seriously, good for you.
But when you've been brought up a certain way, when you've
been feeling that way for a while and when your brain is literally wired to
keep you feeling that way, it's not like you can just change overnight.
And why should the fact that others have been through worse times make them feel better about themselves? In truth... the shame that makes them feel when they can't do what you did digs them only deeper into that hole. The fact that others' suffer more only makes them more likely to see the world through negative lenses; and push them to even more drastic actions.
And why should the fact that others have been through worse times make them feel better about themselves? In truth... the shame that makes them feel when they can't do what you did digs them only deeper into that hole. The fact that others' suffer more only makes them more likely to see the world through negative lenses; and push them to even more drastic actions.
5) They're only having
a sook. Depression can't actually affect you physically...
As I said before, depression not only changes your thinking,
it also changes your brain and body's normal functioning. So not only do you
lose motivation to go out, to do work or school stuff or your usual enjoyable
activities, you also lose the ability to concentrate, you feel tired and sick
all the time and you get other symptoms like headaches, sleep problems and
significant weight loss or gain. In severe cases, thing like psychosis and
hallucinations are possible as well.
Check out these links for examples of what it feels like to go through depression:
If you've got depression, and if you'd had it for a while, it can seem like it's a
pit that you just can't get out of.
But there is a way
out. It isn't something that can't be cured. And you CAN be happy.
It will take time, it
will take effort, and you may fall a few times on your journey.
But you CAN beat
And here's a few tips on
1) First of all - don't be ashamed of it.
Depression affects a lot of people. And if you feel ashamed
about having, or maybe having it - ASK YOURSELF WHY.
Why is it shameful to have a medical condition? As you know now - that's exactly what depression is.
Why should you let what others think dictate you and stop
you from trying to get better? Why should you let what others THINK about you cause you harm?
If other people don't understand your condition - that's
just showing you that they don't have the capability of understanding what
depression really is. So why should you feel ashamed for their ignorance?
2) Don't be afraid to ask for help.
A lot of people - men in particular - feel that it's
something they have to tackle on their own. That asking for help is a sign of
weakness or something they don't want, or can't do. Well, you can do it that
First of all, why view asking for help as a sign of weakness when in truth, putting yourself out there to someone is a sign that you're not afraid to put yourself out there.
Why make it hard on yourself?
If you have someone close you can talk to - a friend, family
member or partner - be open with them. They'll understand if you tell them how
you feel, and having someone to talk with through your journey makes you more
likely to beat it and more likely to be happy. If not, that's fine - you can
always talk to a psychiatrist, you will have access to resources like or depression hotline (depending on where you live) and
you'll always have me as well . Feel free to drop in a comment down below
(anonymously if you prefer) or hit me up on facebook/youtube/email as others
have before on my blog posts and I'll try to help you out.
If you think it's something you shouldn't talk about openly
- that's fine. I mean not everyone thinks its dinner conversation and some
people may not know what to say.
But having at least one person who you can
talk to openly during your battle will make you that much more likely to
succeed. And if you don't have that person, or aren't too comfortable talking openly about it, here's a great site that helps Real Men get to the deeper issues affecting them.
If you're scared of taking that first step with someone in real life - here's another site that may help:
If you're scared of taking that first step with someone in real life - here's another site that may help:
3) Cognitive therapy
A major treatment pathway that psychiatrists use to treat
depression is Cognitive therapy. It's where you attempt to fix your current
thought processes by confronting and challenging them, and replacing them with
a more positive, better outlook. It isn't an easy process, it takes time and
effort and it REALLY helps to do it with someone you can trust.
But the hardest part is the first few weeks, those first few steps. Once you muster up
the energy and will to try and get better and get past the first few weeks, things WILL get easier.
In the end you've got to believe one thing. You CAN beat it.
That word depression is a useful label. It allows people to understand that what they're going through isn't fake. It's a real problem. With real solutions.
But that label becomes a liability when you let it define you.
Never do that.
That word depression is a useful label. It allows people to understand that what they're going through isn't fake. It's a real problem. With real solutions.
But that label becomes a liability when you let it define you.
Never do that.
If you, like millions of others around the world, really
find yourself wanting to break free of depression, then:
i) Take a step back
and analyse yourself
ii) Acknowledge that your journey forward may be hard and
long. But realise that instead of getting scared of that fact or making excuses
not to try, doing this will ensure that you won't give up at times when you
may feel like everything's against you.
iii) Challenge any notion you see that is negative by asking WHY.
Soon, you'll be able to see another way of looking at
And that's the first step to getting better.
Thoughts like "I'm a failure," or "Nothing
ever good happens to me," or "There's nothing special about me,"
are commonly seen in depression and this questioning of self-value or
self-esteem can lead to ultimately deadly thought processes like "Life's
not worth living."
During my first bone marrow transplant, I was put on a
treatment protocol which made me gain a significant amount of weight (20kg in
about 2-3 weeks as a matter o' fact), get a moon face and lose a lot of my
physical prowess.
I went from being pretty fit and sporty to not being able to
run more than a hundred metres without fainting, and I went from looking like
To this (I'm the one in the middle):
So when I got back to university and started mixing with
people my age who were much more energetic and, well, normal, compared to me, I
began to really doubt myself. I'd begun to look in mirrors with disgust at what I now
looked like. I kept thinking to myself, "Imagine what other people are
saying behind my back." Before I knew it, I began to question myself more and
more until I, subconsciously, started making my health an excuse not to go out with
friends and have fun.
Whenever I got to doing exercise, I'd always do so under the
cover of night or where people were less likely to watch in fear of what others
would think about my huge level of unfitness, or worse yet, I would opt out of
doing any at all because people would see me and laugh at me.
I was getting frustrated all the time, and I was began to
hate myself. But then, one day, I took that step back and I asked myself why.
Why was I afraid of what other people were thinking of me?
First of all, were they even thinking about me in the first
place? I mean, when I walk down the street, other than noticing a few finer
specimens of the fairer sex, I don't really take too much notice of other
people unless they're literally about to walk into me.
Even if they were thinking "WOW, what an ugly bastard,"
- Why was I letting their thoughts affect me? In the end, wasn't I putting
myself down in order to please someone else - most of the time, complete
strangers - over something I couldn't control?
I did the same thing with my exercise patterns and I found
myself more comfortable running around over the next few weeks. I did little
things at first - like walking few laps around my suburb and saying hi to
people (most people are friendly and just say hi back - like you probably
would) and soon I was comfortable enough to start running again.
Along the way - it was frustrating. I'd go weeks on end not
gaining any fitness whatsoever and seeing no changes at all. But each time I felt that way, I challenged
that thought process and got to a stage where I realised that, maybe not now,
maybe in a few months, I'd be back to being better.
So why get frustrated that
I was not getting there quickly? In the end that'd only cause me to stress
(which is huge in reducing your progress) and if anything push me to
overexerting or even injuring myself, which would only make my journey longer.
It was hard at first. I found myself looking over my
shoulder and wondering what others were thinking about me all the time. I did
it the hard way - I didn't talk to anyone about it.
But, over a few weeks, taking that step back, acknowledging
the obstacles in my path and challenging my doubts allowed me to become
comfortable with who I was.
I know that my depressive mood was self imposed and not the same as being depressed for years on end. I've come to experience real depression since I've written this, and will be writing about it soon... so hopefully my insights from the inside out can help you even further. While I write it up though - I'm always happy to talk - do so here or on my other links.
But if you think that you just can't do what I'd done in
your battle with depression - ask yourself why.
Those thoughts you may have that stop you from trying to
break free of its hold - those thoughts
of being a loner, of being too stupid
or dependent or scarred... that idea that you're worthless or don't have the
energy... aren't they just reasons you're giving yourself to not try?
If you
really believe they're true and that it is a good reason to stop it - then why
put yourself down over them? Isn't that just stopping you from doing what's
logical - making an effort to change yourself for the better?
It is hard - it may take weeks or months to change yourself.
There may be times when you fall back into pits.
But if you talk to someone about it and give it time, you
CAN get better.
the end result of millions of generations of evolution. The very fact you
exist, and that you can hear, touch, see and simultaneously feel is incredible. Even if no-one else in the
world recognises it - I think you're amazing.
For more info on how you can change yourself --> Check out this post:
Just sharing for any/ all: ANU runs a free, online, open access (anyone can use it) CBT program, which is really pretty cool:
I've not checked, but am pretty sure they also offer individual e-counseling.
Awesome link Claire! Added it into the blog actually - one question, where did you find it?
DeleteWere the fish was tasty?
ReplyDeleteBeautiful haha.
DeleteThanks so much for taking the time. Really helpful.
ReplyDeleteHey Fiona. No worries for doing it, I hope it helped you or someone you care about.
DeleteDo have a read of my other blogs on this topic, or of my story, which a lot of my more inspirational posts feed off, as they all point out 1 thing: No matter how hard things get, you'll ALWAYS have a second, better way of looking at things, and that you have the choice to look at life that way - sometimes it just takes time and help to get there.
If you want someone to talk to - for anything really (doesn't have to be related to this topic either), feel free to contact me, either here, through my email ( or on my facebook page here (or just look up musings of a med student patient on Facebook) or get in touch with family, friends, close ones - anyone - to help with any issues in life.
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ReplyDeleteI came from a finance background and worked in MNC for so many years working on computer for something I just did for money but not for my own interest. Currently I am a homemaker, taking care of my family, 1 year old kid, run after him, growing him to be a good human being and once he sleep I turned out to be a blogger who is putting her honest thoughts and experience in public so that everyone can get help out of it. My blogs are nothing just a representation of what I am and what I feel within myself. Blogging makes me happy because this is a ladder which helps me to express myself to the whole world.DEALING WITH DEPRESSION
ReplyDeleteTips are really good. Thanks for sharing your experience. One more way that I tried when I was depressed is organic supplements for depression.
ReplyDeleteAppreciation is the key to doing more. That is why I have taken some time out to thank someone who cured me of my 5 years of HSV problem. It became a major problem to me as it was affecting my marital life and I was no longer comfortable so I decided to look for a solution and I came across a post of Dr.Godday and how he has been helping people of the same problem I quickly contacted him and told him all I have been facing in my life. He told me how to get his product and how to take it after everything. I found out that all was now okay with me and that my HSV problem was gone. That is why I have come out today to say thank you to Dr.Godday . if you need cure for HIV/AIDS, Herpes, Cancer or Diabetes of all types you can contact his via email: or Whats App no +2349018437588.
ReplyDeleteI am now leaving a healthy life after using the herbal medicine to cure myself from herpes, i am now herpes disease free after the application and usage. You can contact him for your herbal medication from via Email Robinsonbuckler11@gmail com. Thanks and God Bless you for your help, referring people with herpes disease to use this herbal remedy__________________________
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Thank you for sharing your story—it takes a lot of courage to open up about something so personal. You are truly a brave human, and your strength is inspiring. I’ve faced my share of challenges too, including a kidney infection that required dialysis. It was a tough time where I couldn’t manage much, and even my studies were deeply affected. I had to rely on online class help services to get through my academics while focusing on recovery. With courage and God’s grace, I was able to overcome it, just like you are facing your battles